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Email Gathering with Getmail

To enable the getmail service to retrieve e-mails set the environment variable ENABLE_GETMAIL to 1. Your compose.yaml file should include the following:


In your DMS config volume (eg: docker-data/dms/config/), create a getmail-<ID>.cf file for each remote account that you want to retrieve mail and store into a local DMS account. <ID> should be replaced by you, and is just the rest of the filename (eg: The contents of each file should be configuration like documented below.

The directory structure should similar to this:

├── docker-data/dms/config
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── docker-compose.yml


A detailed description of the configuration options can be found in the online version of the manual page.

Common Options

The default options added to each getmail config are:

verbose = 0
read_all = false
delete = false
max_messages_per_session = 500
received = false
delivered_to = false

If you want to use a different base config, mount a file to /etc/getmailrc_general. This file will replace the default "Common Options" base config above, that all getmail-<ID>.cf files will extend with their configs when used.

IMAP Configuration

This example will:

  1. Connect to the remote IMAP server from Gmail.
  2. Retrieve mail from the gmail account alice with password notsecure.
  3. Store any mail retrieved from the remote mail-server into DMS for the account that DMS manages.
type = SimpleIMAPRetriever
server =
username = alice
password = notsecure
type = MDA_external
path = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver
allow_root_commands = true
arguments =("-d","")
POP3 Configuration

Just like the IMAP example above, but instead via POP3 protocol if you prefer that over IMAP.

type = SimplePOP3Retriever
server =
username = alice
password = notsecure
type = MDA_external
path = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver
allow_root_commands = true
arguments =("-d","")

Polling Interval

By default the getmail service checks external mail accounts for new mail every 5 minutes. That polling interval is configurable via the GETMAIL_POLL ENV variable, with a value in minutes (default: 5, min: 1, max: 30):


XOAUTH2 Authentication

It is possible to utilize the getmail-gmail-xoauth-tokens helper to provide authentication using xoauth2 for gmail (example 12) or Microsoft Office 365 (example 13)